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While Katie loves her 1:1 work with clients, she’s become increasingly aware that her impact is limited by the number of hours in the day. At the same time, while the Real Food Brands Marketing Podcast can help you piece together the process, there’s space for something in between the two—a self-guided but structured resource to help you create a strong brand strategy for your food business.

Today on the Real Food Brands Marketing Podcast, host and Food Brand Strategist Katie Mleziva introduces her solution – her new self-paced brand strategy course, Brand Strategy Streamlined™.

The Three Steps to Brand Strategy

The Brand Strategy Streamlined course is designed to guide you through Katie’s 3-step process, which she’s covered many times in many different ways here on the podcast: Define (or Refine), Align, and Activate. The course is able to go more in-depth, guiding you through a process to get to a brand strategy.

Below we’ll share a brief recap of this 3-step process, and

1. Define

Start with your vision and values; then look at what’s out there and where there might be opportunities; describe and get to know your ideal consumer; and, finally, identify what your company does that’s unique. You’d be surprised how much of this you already know—the course just takes you through a process to articulate it more clearly so you can act on it.

2. Align

This step is about taking what you’ve articulated in step 1 and putting it into action throughout your business. We walk you through how to weave your brand strategy into the front and back end of your business to build a strong brand and a cohesive experience.

3. Activate

This step is about prioritization. What are the easiest things to do quickly that will have the biggest impact? What will bring your brand to life? The activation stage needs time to play out, which is why you’ll have access to the course materials for 12 months. Because even though it won’t take you anywhere nearly that long to go through these steps, it gives you time to flex those brand-building muscles as you test out your assumptions, gather new data points, and further refine your strategy.

How to Learn More

You can learn more about the details of the course Katie outlines, including what’s included, the format, number of modules, participant feedback, how you can use the outcomes to bring your brand to life, where you can ask questions and more, right here. Katie encourages you to send her an email via the contact form on this site or via Instagram if you have questions about if the on-demand program is a good fit based on your business situation and work style.

Get In Touch

Katie also wants your feedback on the podcast and is trying a new app (new to her, that is) called VideoAsk to make it easier than ever to connect – don’t worry, if you don’t want to answer via video you can do audio or text. Just give it a try! This could be a fun way to connect and if it works well she’ll start using it more often. You can check it out right here or in her IG bio.

Now, let’s go shake up shopping carts!


“Last year I started realizing that while I love the structured process of the 1:1 work I do, my impact is limited by the hours in the day. The podcast can give you all sorts of ideas for free 24/7, but there was an unfilled gap between individual podcast episodes you could piece together the process and working together 1:1.” – Katie Mleziva

“For too long, brand strategy work was either mistakenly confused for visual branding like logos and color palettes, or has been seen as something that only big brands were able to do with big agencies or with brand managers” – Katie Mleziva

“The feedback I love to hear is that this process unlocked or reinvigorated an excitement for the business that they felt slowly burning out because it not only reminded them why they are in the business but made them feel ready to take it to the next level.” – Katie Mleziva

In This Episode:

  • Why Katie is offering a solution to bridge the gap between following along on podcast episodes and working with her 1:1
  • How a self-guided course can work better for some food brands and farms
  • The three steps Brand Strategy Streamlined will guide you through
  • Why the course is structured the way it is and how you’ll be able to use what you develop as your North Star
  • Why you have access to the materials for 12 months when it won’t take that long to complete the course
  • The feedback Katie has heard from beta testers who went through the course
  • A fun new way to get in touch with Katie – she wants to hear your feedback!
